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Join Hackership's learning retreat in Costa Rica - Discount inside!

From: Anouk R.
Sent on: Thursday, May 28, 2015, 5:12 PM
Hi PHP Developer,

In our fast-paced field, technologies and frameworks change faster than milk goes bad - PHP is no exception. It's hard to find the time to keep up. Time to work on your own projects.

And let's face it, even when you do have the time, and Netflix did not publish a new series, you may get stuck. And you may end up spending an hour, or a day, or even the entire weekend sifting through Stackoverflow answers (I've been there...). It's easy to get demotivated; you may even stop learning altogether.

Here's an idea. Instead of learning on your own (or not at all), come learn with us, Hackership. And instead of learning in a badly ventilated room somewhere, do it on a beach in Costa Rica!

Wait. Hang on. What is Hackership?

Glad you asked. Hackership is a 9-week, self-directed, learning retreat for software developers.

Self-directed means no classrooms and no exams. You decide what you want to learn and how you want to learn it. We provide a community of other hackers and developers, as well as talented coaches to help you and review your code. Next to that, our daily structure, planning sessions and weekly demos will make sure you stay on track.

It is our mission to create a safe, distraction-free space that allows you to explore and learn, faster than ever before.

Sound good? Join our autumn batch in Costa Rica (right on the beach!):

And because you belong to SFPHP Meetup community, we'll give you a 250 USD community discount on the regular price for the Costa Rica batch of Hackership, if you apply with the code: M-SF-PHP. The discount expires June 3rd, so hurry up!

If you have any questions, feel free to email me.

Happy Hacking!

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