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SFDebate Next Tue : Prop C vs Prop D : Agressive pensions reform for city employees?

From: James D.
Sent on: Thursday, October 20, 2011, 9:37 AM

Join us on Tuesday (October 25th) for a debate that will actually count. 

We're discussing pension reform for city employees, and and unlike many of our theoretical debates, this is one where you're being asked to cast your vote in the November 8th election.

RSVP Here :


About the Issue

Currently the city pays $820 million a year to former city employees, some of whom have been able to retire as young as 50 on close to full pay. In 2009, San Francisco's deputy police chief earned $516,000 in cash compensation and retired with a $230,000-a-year pension; a package that could cost the city $8 million over the balance of his life.

Sinking tax revenues and growing pension obligations are affecting San Francisco services. Summer schools have been shut, parks close early, and services that help the poor and homeless have been pared back. More parking meters and parking tickets are being used to help cover the shortfall.

Prop C & Prop D are two competing pension reform measures placed on the ballot to address this.


More Information

Prop D has been put on the ballot to require city employees to contribute significantly more to their own pension plans.

Prop C is a counter-proposal to introduce more modest pension reforms. It is supported by firefighter, police and teacher unions as well as unanimous support from the Board of Supervisors.

The chronicle has a good write up of the issue here :

SF Voter Guide Here (3MB PDF)
Prop C : Page 55
Prop D : Page 67


Join Us!

RSVP Here :

Join us for this debate & discussion. We'll be inviting two experts to speak for and against the motion, but we also need two people from within the group to join them.

IMPROVE YOUR SPEAKING SKILLS NOW by volunteering to speak either for or against the motion. We also have an opening for a moderator.

Email me or call[masked] -- james

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