What we’re about
Google VR technology aims at developing accessible virtual reality (VR) tools to allow everyone to enjoy VR in a simple, fun, and natural way. The Google VR SDKs for Android and Unity enable you to quickly start creating VR apps or adapt your existing application for VR.
To make it plain: The google VR tools is a great way to gain an introduction into VR as the SDK is simple to use and elegant in implementation. To make this even a better proposition There is a free version of Unity you can use as you can use google's own Free Java Based tools.
And with an average price tag of under $25 dollars for the cardboard viewer, you have no excuse not to join us in creation of Virtual Worlds!
Some General Notes:
This meetup is going to be more focused on people who actually want to make things Vs people who are here to watch others make things.
I do understand that it might seem like a tall order to get the skills needed to do this, please relax and understand that we are ALL in the same boat when it comes to VR.
This is an awesome time for all of us. We are at the start of a new paradigm and its going to be a journey that we can all enrich ourselves together.
While I personally use Unity to make my google VR apps, I am happy to have anyone else come and talk ( Hint Hint to the general user group!).
Few Hints to get started:
Download the Cardboard App from Google Play Store or the iTunes Store. This is the software view to view your cardboard VR Apps till Google comes out with there other toolsets such as Daydream.
For Development:
There is an SDK that can be found at https://developers.google.com/cardboard/.
You can use Unity IDE Personal Edition for free at http://unity3d.com/get-unity
For can also just use the Google Android IDE ( Java ) at https://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html