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Please Help Save Annie

From: Regina W.
Sent on: Thursday, June 12, 2014, 7:00 PM

Hey everyone!

This is an appeal for help. On Monday someone tied up and abandoned a young female pit bull in my yard. My boyfriend and I looked after her, but we can't keep her as we can't have pets. She's now at Oakland Animal Services and that's a kill shelter. The benefit of her being there is we have confirmation that she wasn't micro-chipped and that health-wise she's in good enough shape not to be put down immediately. Her number at OAS is ACR 17331.

She's anxious but she was very sweet with my boyfriend (he was the one who found her and took care of her the day she arrived.) has offered to provide free training, support and promotional assistance as appropriate to anyone who can foster her. Read more about their work at the link!

What I'm hoping for is for someone who is in the pet rescue community to get wind of what's going on. I figure they're best suited to help and would be more effective in finding someone that could foster her. The trick to to making that happen is getting it out to as many people as possible. Hence this message. :)

If you're on social, please help spread the word.  Here is my write up about her on Google Plus and there are a few more pics of her there:

Here are links on other social sites:

Even if all you can do is share, that helps; and I appreciate it! If you're interested in how it all turns out tune in to the FB thread I posted. I'm putting updates there as we go.

Thanks so very much. :) #SaveAnnie


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