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First Sat session on September!

From: Sid's Badminton C.
Sent on: Thursday, September 1, 2016, 11:40 AM

Saturday's Badminton Session Offers at Sid's at
Queen Mother Sport centre 6-8pm.

Computer System:

"Play badminton at Sid's with our new computer ladder system that helps track your skills and play competitively. computer evaluate your performance based on your match results.

everyone is welcome from lower intermediate to advanced :); "come on bring on your "A" games"
Our matchmaking system will fairly pair people together.

Come and see for yourself !"
Computer Matchmaking, that Ranking of Badminton players in order of their performance!

Coaching in Sid's:

Introducing Simon Green who will be Coaching at Sid's B.C. On Saturdays at court 5, you can check this at the following this week:

Still few spot left!

Summer offers:

  • New members who join our meet-up pay only £4 for their very first session!!
  • meet-up members who has never attended our club pay only £4 for their very first session!!
  • If you recommend new players or if you bring new players with you who is a first timer, you only pay £2 for that meet up session (new players must register in meetup and onlyone offer apply at one time)!!!! (please send me an email in advance if you can on [address removed] coaching session is not included in this offer)

When: Saturday 3rd of September 6-8pm,

Check it out at the following link:

Where: Queen Mother Sport Center, 223 Vauxhall bridge Road, London SW1

We have 5 Courts, high ceiling, wooden floor and great lighting, play with quality shuttles (Yonex 30) and cheaper than everyone else! What are you waiting for!

Looking forward seeing you soon!




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