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Tomorrow session we allocate one or two courts to league players and Trial!

From: Sid's Badminton C.
Sent on: Friday, September 9, 2016, 11:32 AM

“League Recruitment”, we are currently looking for few more league players to join Sid's Double teams in Ladies, Men and Mixed, this is to complete teams in all our 8 teams in leagues (come and try) for this season, hence for next 3 weeks we allocate one or two courts only for this purpose.

If you are an Intermediate player and higher we like to hear from you so come to our tomorrow special trial session, we might be able to offer you a place in our Tuesday's session too if you are interested in.

During league season (October to April), we also offer limited places for intermediate to advanced players to try out our club on every Saturday between 6pm - 8pm on a pay-and-play basis.

No membership required.

Please rsvp on this meet up session and see you tomorrow.


Peyman and Joanna