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What we’re about

This group is for people who need to sing to stay sane.

You don't necessarily need to be a songwriter but you gotta be a song singer!

If you are sick and tired of crappy karaoke bars or if you are just looking for a place to sing and showcase your songs then maybe this group is for you.

This group is focused on singers but other musicians may tag along to help them perform. Another goal is for musicians to be able to network with each other and form possible collaborations.

You don't need to be a professional singer but you must be able sing on pitch and people must, at the very least, like some of your songs. There is no politically correct way of putting this except to say you gotta sing good at least some of the time.

You can sing by yourself or bring some musicians and/or instruments along.

At least one person must sing on each song.

NOTICE: Please understand that, although we accept many genres of music, this group is primarily geared towards ROCK AND ROLL. We tend to run our mics HOT and it will get RELATIVELY LOUD at times! Not loud enough to do ear damage but you will most likely have to raise your voice a bit to talk to the person next to you. You Have Been Warned! :)

Remember, this group is centered around Redlands, California so if it's too far to drive then please don't sign up!

Sorry, but at this time there is no Hip Hop, Rap, or Spoken Word. We might make exceptions for some people once in a while but generally speaking, this is not that type of group.

At this time we have a limited policy about religious music. We would prefer a small number of these songs but ultimately it will be up to the voting members of the group to decide. All voting members were polled with the question "How do you feel about religious songs, do you want to hear them or not?" The result was "It depends on the songs. Preaching is NOT acceptable."

You can bring instruments, other musicians, friends to watch you perform, backing tracks, devices to play your music from, flash drives, optical discs, etc.  Bring your audio special FX boxes, microphones, and lighting FX if you got 'em. Maybe bring some audio cords and power extension cords too.

We will provide the sound system and a decent audio engineer most of the time. If anyone has a good powered sub-woofer, please contact us. A video monitor will be provided if you need to see the words on screen for some of your musical backing tracks.

Eventually, we would like to do an audio recording and also a video of each performance unless the artist(s) specifically asks not to be recorded.

Each singer or group of singers gets to perform in rotation for as long as time allows. We try to practice the "Fast Rotation" method to cram as many songs in as we can but at the same time we reserve the right to take bathroom breaks as per individual needs.

Currently, there are a total of 50 spots available for each performer or performing group so we are going to be a little picky about who we let in. Members will need to attend a meetup at least once in a while. If this group becomes popular we will add more spots.

We are also looking for places to hold these events so if you know of a good location please share that information with us.

Ideally, some locations will be in a place were everyone can "Bring Your Own Everything" (BYOE) like foods, drinks, chairs, partying necessities, etc., so we don't have to pay restaurant/bar prices for these things (whee!).

Each location must have electricity, at least one bathroom, and on really hot or cold days air conditioning and/or heating at the very minimum.

To sum this all up, it's a singing party. I think this gives you a pretty good idea what this group is all about. Let's turn this into a monster :)


PS:  The response has been awesome. The group is about one half full.

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