- Chatterbox Language Exchange 2 ~名古屋言語交流会~Lib Space, Aichi
Small World’s official language exchange, Chatterbox returns in 2024 with a new concept and location!
We’ve listened to attendee feedback and we’ve made a few changes to maximise your enjoyment. Chatterbox 2 will focus on NEW CONNECTIONS, SHARED INTERESTS, and MORE FREEDOM.
Chatterbox will guarantee that you have at least one conversation with every participant! Through a range of activities, you’ll be able to meet multiple people in one-on-one conversations, and in groups of varying sizes throughout the event.SHARED INTERESTS
Based on the information from your form responses and what you learn in conversations with other participants, we’ll give you the tools you need to create groups, complete activities and make new friends with people who share interests similar to yours. Each month’s language and themes will be based on each event’s attendees.MORE FREEDOM
We won’t be assigning you seats or groups, we’ll give YOU the freedom to choose who you talk to based on who you click with best, and mixing things up regularly so that you’re given multiple opportunities to speak to people in a variety of scenarios.-----------------------------------
We’re sure that this new Chatterbox format is an improvement on previous events and we’re really looking forward to seeing you at our new Language Exchange!
In order for us to organise you into groups that match your interests, we would ask you to complete this Registration Form before you attend the event.
Want to attend for FREE? 😱
Bring someone who hasn’t attended Chatterbox before to participate for FREE! Simply bring your guest to the Registration Desk at the start of the event. Speak to a Small World representative to have YOUR attendance fee waived! (It will be a standard price for the person who's attending for the first time)
ー Event Details ー
Date & Time: Saturday, September 21 / 16:30 – 18:30 (Registration: 16:15~)
Location: LIB SPACE Sakae
Price: ¥500 (¥1,000 for Japanese speakers)-----------------------------------
Small Worldオリジナル言語交換会「Chatterbox」が2024年に新しいコンセプトと場所と共に帰ってくる!
皆さんのフィードバックに耳を傾け、皆さんが最大限に楽しめるよういくつか変更させていただきました。Chatterbox 2 は NEW CONNECTIONS (新たな繋がり), SHARED INTERESTS (共通の興味関心), MORE FREEDOM (より自由に) にフォーカスを置きます。
全員の参加者と少なくとも1回は会話ができるよう確約します!幅広いアクティビティーを通して数多くの人と1対1、もしくは様々なサイズ感のグループでの会話をすることができます。SHARED INTERESTS (共通の趣味関心)
皆さんからの事前アンケートと他の参加者との会話内容に基づき、ご自身と似た興味関心を持っている参加者とグループを作り、アクティビティーをこなし、新しい友達を作る手助けをしてくれるようなツールを提供します。毎月言語とテーマをイベントの参加者に基づいて決めていきます。MORE FREEDOM (より自由に)
無料で参加ご希望の方! 😱
無料で参加する為にはChatterboxに参加したことない方と一緒にお越しください!イベントが始まる際に受付に初参加の方と来ていただき、Small Worldのスタッフにお声掛けいただければ新規の方を連れて来てくださった方の参加費を免除させていただきます!(新規参加の方は通常料金となります)
ー 詳細 ー
日時:9月21日(土)/ 16:30~18:30 (受付: 16:15~)
料金:¥1,000 (¥500 日本語話者以外)