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What we’re about

A "Steel Man" debate is a form of discussion where participants aim to understand and argue their opponent's position in the strongest possible way. This is the opposite of a "Straw Man" argument, where one misrepresents an opponent’s position to make it easier to attack. In a Steel Man debate, each participant seeks to reconstruct the best version of the opposing argument before responding to it.

Why Steel Man Debate?
Steel Man debating can potentially lead to understanding, clarity of perspectives, empathy, and mutual respect. Engaging in this type of debate enhances your ability to be heard and understood effectively, while providing the same courtesy to others.

Straw Man debates lead to resentment, misconceptions, and mutual contempt. Carrying these daily is a heavy load on mind, body, and spirit.

Here’s how a Steel Man debate typically unfolds:

Each side takes time to listen to and understand the other’s position fully. This may involve asking clarifying questions to ensure they are grasping the argument accurately. It seeks to avoid “I Know-ing” (making premature conclusions about the opponent's intentions or beliefs) yourself into incorrect assumptions of the opponent’s “come-from”.

Restating the Opponent's Position:
Participants then attempt to express their opponent's argument even more clearly and persuasively than their opponent did. This shows respect for the opponent’s viewpoint and ensures that the debate addresses the actual points of disagreement. It seeks to avoid sarcastic representation of the opponent’s perspective and to provide maintained composure and respect during emotional engagement.

After affirmatively stating the opponent's position in its strongest form, the participant then critiques or responds to it. This critique is also expected to be constructive, focusing on logical analysis and evidence rather than on rhetorical weaknesses. It seeks to avoid characterizing the opponent because of their perspective while remaining content specific.

The opponent provides feedback on how well their argument was understood and restated. The skill lies in doing this constructively, focusing on how accurately and respectfully the argument was restated, rather than on the personal views of the speaker, and provides opportunity for further clarification and deeper understanding. Once the other expresses satisfaction with the expression of their position, the participants switch roles.

Resolution or Synthesis:
The goal of a Steel Man debate is not necessarily to win over the other side, but to reach a higher level of understanding and respect for those with different perspectives. This may lead to a resolution of the conflict, or at least to a clearer understanding of the underlying issues.

By engaging in this method, participants promote intellectual honesty and critical thinking, reducing misunderstandings and promoting a more fruitful and respectful dialogue. This approach is particularly useful in complex and polarized discussions where mutual understanding is a prerequisite for progress.

The format will be flexible to accommodate the discussion needs. Two pre-announced topics will guide each meeting. The first hour features a staged example on a third topic, demonstrating Steel Man techniques. This is followed by a Q&A session focused on refining these skills, rather than delving deeper into the content of the debate. Participants are then paired, potentially with different opponents for each topic, based on their RSVP responses to ensure opposing viewpoints are represented.

Because of the format, you will be required to answer meeting-specific questions providing your opinions in advance to help in organizing the debate pairing more effectively.

All Welcome:
Participants of all skill levels are encouraged to join, not only to debate but to enhance skills in listening, articulation, public speaking, and emotional control. This meetup is an opportunity to grow these skills in a supportive environment, regardless of your initial proficiency or interest in the debate topics.

Let’s have some with this! While the topics might be serious, the atmosphere is supportive and conducive to learning and enjoyment.

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