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Happy Thanksgiving - Movie Night Sunday!

From: David D.
Sent on: Friday, November 23, 2012, 10:25 PM

Dear SAAF Members,

I hope you've all survived Black Friday and had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I wanted to wish you all a lovely holiday, but obviously I was a little late in getting out this message.

I also wanted to remind everyone about the Freethought Movie Night this Sunday, in Lodi. To have a little fun, we'll be watching Christmas with a Capital C. It's about a small town with a lot of spirit that is brought under attack when a big bad atheist moves to town and threatens to secularize the city's traditional holiday festivities.

Yes, we'll be laughing through the movie I'm sure.

It will also be a potluck, so bring a dish to share and something to drink. I hope we can have a great turnout.

Details and RSVP here.

And finally, a quick reminder to those of you on Facebook that we do indeed have a Facebook page and you're welcome to join it and be a part of the ongoing conversation.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend and I'm looking forward to seeing you in Sunday evening.


-David Diskin

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