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New Meetup: Stockton Area Atheists and Freethinkers - Monthly Meet-Up (March 2010)

From: David D.
Sent on: Monday, February 22, 2010, 10:28 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Stockton Area Atheist and Freethinkers!

What: Stockton Area Atheists and Freethinkers - Monthly Meet-Up (March 2010)

For the Latest Details and RSVP Click Here

When: Thursday, March 18,[masked]:00 PM

Joe's Pomodoro Pizza Cafe
5654 N. Pershing Ave
Stockton, CA 95207

Hey all! It's time for a fun, social, food-inclusive meet-up.

We'll get back to basics, holding it at a pizza place in Stockton. If no one objects, I think the place we were at last time was pretty good. Thoughts?

On the Agenda:
- Book Club
- Where
- When
- What's the First Book?
- Volunteering
- I'm leaving this up to Adam to bring ideas and we'll choose one
- Billboards
- Group vote on forming a chapter of the Coalition of Reason with Stanislaus Skeptics
- Other Events / Announcements
- Notice of events in Sacramento and Stanislaus
- Freethought O.C. Conference (May 4)
- Modesto JC and CSU Stanislaus forming SSA clubs
- Membership Growth
- How?
- Logo
- Bring ideas/sketches

Please try to bring a few people with you, and make sure you RSVP. Mark them as guests or encourage them to join the Meet-up group and RSVP for themselves.

If we have a ton of people, we'll find a larger venue so stay tuned.


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