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+++YIN YOGA ONline+++

These days, multitasking is an art form.
But our overflowing schedules often end with our minds racing when it’s time to fall asleep. Using principles of Chinese Medicine, this class will help you relax and create stillness at the end of your day, so you can retrain your nervous system for deep, uninterrupted sleep.

Do you want to know more about what yin yoga is?
Yin yoga is allow, label, let it go.
Allow means to allow whatever is to be: allow your thoughts to come into your mind. Allow the sensation of the postures to be.
Label the thought or sensation.
This is not a judgement; the sensation or thought is not good or bad, simply note what it is.
After noticing it simply let it go. Like an exhale, don’t hang on – release. Now repeat.
This is a meditation: meditation is the key skill for learning to let go.

All level are welcome*Beginners are welcome!

Class is 75 minutes