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What we’re about

What is the heart of Tantra? In Western world, everyone thinks it is SEX...SEX and it?

If you always dreamed of an unforgettable and life-changing journey then these Tantra retreats, workshops & events are for you.

If you always wanted to learn, practice or immerse in #Tantra, then this is your chance to be in empowering, loving & supportive company and guidance of Tantrist Rashmi.

These immersions will explore powerful Tantric techniques that will connect you to your most awakened self. Tantrist Rashmi will explore the #chakras, pranayama (breath works), meditation, visualization, rituals and cleansing practices. These unique Tantra yoga immersions could be an intensive 10 days full immersions in lap of Himalayas, India or local half a day or weekend retreats in lap of sunny California, beautiful Portland, OR or majestic evergreen state of Washington or simply in serenity of Sacred Garden Tantra's home studio.

There are many small & powerful Tantra meditation series as well as workshops are offered too for those are interested.

Rashmi is born and brought up by multi generational Tantra practicing family in sacred land of Yoga & Tantra in Rishikesh, India (Rishikesh which is a small town in foot hills of Himalayas, also known as open Energy portal of world.) had spent her entire young adult and recent life traveling and learning Yoga & Tantra all across India. Traveling through Tantric India changes the story your soul sings to the world.


"The science and practice of Tantra has been likened to honey (madhu), in that it reveals the sweetness that is life in this world, as well as within spiritual unfolding."-Katie Silcox.

Tantra awakens our ability to see and experience awe in each moment, inviting more and more divine in the mundane. It links all of the practices (including asana, pranayama, visualization, bandha, energy work, subtle anatomy, meditation, and bhakti) into a single, methodical, personalized and deep approach that takes our practices into daily expression of our truest self.

Tantra comes from the words Tanoti (to expand, stretch, extend) and Trayoti (to liberate or free) Meaning the practice of expanding one's awareness to everything and liberating one's existence beyond the material and into the spiritual. In essence, Tantra is the exploring of the Divine through self discovery and liberation of the individual.

These immersions are for anyone looking to deepen their yoga, meditation or energy work practices, or simply looking to develop deeper sense of spirituality and getting inspire your practice to new heights upon your return home. Beyond asana, with an emphasis of deep integration of Tantrik asana, energy work, breath work, rituals, self care and guided tantra meditation into their daily life. This immersion is for both inexperienced and experienced yoga practitioners as it will be physically accessible to all levels. This experience will also be a perfect fit for any yoga teacher looking to deepen their understanding of yoga, meditation, energy work and Tantra.