What we’re about
TLDR; I'm merging TECHS & THE CITY into Manchester Tech Festival
When I started Techs and The City back in 2018, there wasn't nearly the amount of Meet-Ups that there are on the scene currently. I felt there was a gap that could do with being filled.
However, as time has gone on and #MTF has evolved and developed - I've implemented a lot of the same ideas and vibes into the #Festival and honestly it's just too much admin trying to manage both and a girl needs to rest!! #hotgirlsummeriscoming 🔥
I don't really feel like we need two separate meet-ups because it's largely the same organisers, the same community, the same vibes, the same ethos. 🐝
We've not had a TaTC event since May last year because it's just easier to run everything from the MTF Meet-Up page - the games nights, the women in tech jazz, the queer tech coworking, the mixers, the quizzes etc.
And folks in #Manchester have TONNES of #amazing meet-ups and community events to choose from - so I just feel that holding onto TaTC would be for vanity reasons that don't actually serve the community that I'm responsible for if that make sense?? 🦄
Anyway I have tried to speak to the good folks at Meet-Up about how to physically merge the two but I am not sure that's possible, so my plan is to message people over the next 6 weeks or so and tell them that if they want to sign up to MTF then that might be best as TaTC will be no more!
I would like to say thank you to all the folks who supported TaTC over the years - but I see you all at the Festival anyhow!
Here is the link to sign up to MTF Meet-Up if you aren't already!
Thanks for reading and peace out <3