What we’re about
If you’ve ever wondered about the Bahá’í Faith, now’s your chance to learn more!
Please join us for an ongoing weekly spiritual exploration and discussion - come for one week, come for all!
Some of us in this discussion may have been trying to walk that spiritual path for years, or are just starting out, or have somehow gotten waylaid somewhere along the way - but we are all seekers!
We warmly welcome people of all backgrounds and beliefs. There are no priests or clergy in the Bahá’í Faith and no proselytizing. Our intention is to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable asking questions and contributing their thoughts and perspectives.
The Baha’i teachings share there is one God, One Humanity and that all faiths and spiritual traditions come from that same Divine Source. Each week – using the Baha’i teachings as our guide -- we will explore the common spiritual truths held by all faiths and traditions. We will also examine why there may appear to be differences. The group will explore such topics as:
• How does one seek the truth?
• The Oneness of the Prophets of God and Oneness of religion
• The Mission of God’s Prophets, revealing guidance progressively as humanity matures
• Who is Baha’u’llah, the Prophet-founder of the Baha’i Faith?
“My object is none other than the betterment of the world and the tranquility of its peoples.” -- Baha'u'llah
These events are FREE and open to all regardless of background or belief.