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What we’re about

Tiffany Academy is founded to help adults and children build up their confidence and be the best version of themselves.
Workshops for Adults -
- Colour & Style
- How to create a great First Impression
- Social & Professional Dining Etiquette

Workshop for Children (5-19 years old)
Follow us on Instagram HERE or Facebook HERE for updated events and promo!
- Meetings & Greetings
- Communicating with confidence
- Effective Non-verbal communication
- Interview Skills (older kids)
- Self- respect, and respect for others
- Social dining Etiquette
- Phone Etiquette
- Netiquette
- Party Etiquette

and many more!

About me:
Tiffany is a Certified Image & Etiquette Consultant who has completed her internationally recognized Premier Certificate Image Professional program and Children's Character Confidence and Courtesy Coach for 4 to 19 years old. She is also a Certified Holistic Coach and the founder of her own coaching business – Living Well with Tiffany.

Tiffany works with adults and organizations supporting them in their unique journey – live life with great health and at the same time build up their confidence. 
With a holistic approach, Tiffany truly believes that her clients can transform their lives and be healthy, happy, and confident from the inside out.

Tiffany is a firm believer in personal development and trusts that building a personal image, mastering good communication skills, learning business and social etiquette, and prioritizing health can make a huge difference and transform everyone’s life.