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TRINUG latest news and Code of Conduct

From: Justin S.
Sent on: Saturday, January 10, 2015, 9:59 AM

Greetings TRINUG Members,

Here's hoping that you had a great New Year and that 2015 is getting off to a good start.  TRINUG had a very active year in 2014 with almost 80 events and a combined attendance of over 2,800 people!

This year we'll continue to feature great speakers and review the topics you're interested in.  The January main meeting on the 14th features Microsoft's Brian Harry presenting Visual Studio Online.  Not surprisingly, this event is filled to capacity, but there's a waitlist available on Meetup if you haven't already rsvp'd.

One other very important piece of information for TRINUG in 2015 is the announcement of our group's new Code of Conduct.  Please take a moment to read it in the Pages section of our Meetup site.  TRINUG is a made up of an excellent group of individuals such as yourself that attend to learn and network.  Everyone is welcome and we want to ensure that there are no barriers to your valued attendance.

We look forward to seeing you again this year; thank you for your participation!


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