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Contract and perm ID and IA roles in Irvine

From: Laura
Sent on: Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 10:07 AM

Hello all! 


We’re enhancing a talented UX team in Irvine and I need some folks asap to contract on site 4 days per week and work from home one day per week.  I need 3 interaction designers and 1 Information Architect.  Contract or perm actually. 


This is a public facing site that has a pretty complex data set.  For contract, it could go till the end of the year.  Maybe longer.  For full time, the benefits and bonuses are nice!  Great comp package over all.


Interested parties will please submit your resume with work samples to me via email but do feel free to call or email if you have questions you need answered.


Look forward to hearing from you!





Laura Hunter

Vivid Resources




[address removed]


What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


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