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Contract Junior Designer Sought

From: Kathryn C.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 30, 2010, 10:07 AM

Primitive Spark ( seeks a part-time contract junior interactive designer or paid design intern for July and August of 2010.  Candidates should have or be working towards a design degree and have a strong knowledge of color, typography and layout, the interactive medium and at least a working knowledge of HTML/CSS.  Flash experience is a plus.  You’ll be working with our creative team to bring breakthrough interactive experiences to life.  You’ll be concepting, drawing and sketching, researching, designing in Photoshop and Illustrator, extending existing designs and inventing new ones.  Our working environment is highly collaborative, so you should be comfortable with brainstorming and group critique.  You should also have a laptop with the software you need.  Pay is $15-35/hr depending on experience.

Primitive Spark is located in downtown Los Angeles in the historic Wurlitzer building.  Our team has a great reputation and a lot of experience, and we share a space with design legend April Greiman, so it’s a great place to be to grow your skills.  Hours are flexible.  There is the possibility of an extended contract or full-time employment in the future. Please forward your information to [address removed].


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