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Re: [ia-55] IA Book Recommendations?

From: user 5.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 11:34 AM
"Web Redesign 2.0 - Workflow That Works" by Kelly Goto and Emily Cotler

If I were teaching a course on IA, this would be one of the textbooks.  
It covers the entire waterfall process step-by-step from exploration and 
requirements gathering through planning, structuring, document 
generation, usability testing, visual design, technical development, QA 
testing, and finally maintenance and future planning.

And somehow, they manage to cover all of this in depth (much more so 
than Garrett in his "Elements of UX" book) and still present a nice, 
easy read.

In the real world, the steps they outline are seldom ALL followed 
completely or in sequence.  But this book shows you what the rules are, 
so you know what rules you're bending, breaking, or ignoring completely 
as you work on your projects.

 - Jonathan

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