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Product Designer opening at

From: Andrew T.
Sent on: Monday, February 13, 2012, 8:15 PM
The company I work for, a social travel company called, is hiring a Product Designer for our El Segundo office. We're looking for someone with a mix of a visual design and user experience background.  As a Product Designer, you will be involved in every aspect of the product development process. You will own the experience (product design, interaction design, and visual design) for one or more of our products.

The company was started by JR Johnson, who sold has last travel-based start-up,, to Expedia for $85 million. Trippy did a $1.75 million seed round of financing last year, led by Sequoia Capital and True Ventures. 

Here's the full job description:

It's a fun company with good people, so please spread the word!

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