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Re: [ia-55] General Assembly UX Design Immersive

From: Astrid
Sent on: Wednesday, February 19, 2014, 2:31 PM
Hey Taylor,

I am a GA UX design graduate. I didn't do the immersive (they weren't offering it), so I did the long-form course (10-12 weeks, 2 days/week for 3 hours) and gained a lot out of it. GA started in New York and I've been to their campus in San Francisco. Both the NY and SF locations are much more organized and have better, more seasoned professionals teaching than the LA location. But, I still really liked the class and gained an immense amount of knowledge (and a portfolio!) from it.

I took the class in spring of last year, and although I had a background in web design/development & information architecture (without even realizing what I was doing WAS IA), I felt that the class really helped me understand and organize my processes. It also taught me a ton about terms & industry standards. The thing it did NOT help me with was actually finding a job after graduation.

In the last year, however, GA has become a mecca for creative people and hosts nearly half (if not MORE) of the meetup's I attend. Additionally, I met my current boyfriend in the class and we've been together almost a year now (He also teaches front-end classes at GA now! :)  I did find my current job through networking opportunities at GA, and I think they have gained a much larger following of employers looking for graduates from the long-form classes. 

So, I'd say that my time spent there was definitely worth it (both in my professional AND personal life, hehe) and I did find a job because of GA, although not directly through any hiring programs. 

I'd also say that the opportunities GA may help you find for jobs will more than likely be in San Francisco or Silicon Valley, as that is where they have many more corporate partners. My boyfriend did the WDI program in LA last spring as well, and was only offered jobs from companies in Silicon Valley after graduation. C'est la vie. 

It's what you put into any class that will really make it worth it for you, and I definitely got out of it as much as I put in. Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions about GA! I'm there way too often. ;) 

Georgette Thorsnes | Platform Design Manager
e [address removed] 
p [masked] x105 c [masked] 
a 310 Wilshire Boulevard, Floor 2, Santa Monica, CA 90401 

On Feb 19, 2014, at 2:20 PM, Kelly Samojlik <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi Taylor, 
I'm currently in online marketing and am researching a career change to UXD, so I'm glad you've asked about this.  I've heard both good and bad things about GA but I've really liked the online classes and on-site workshops I've been to.  I was impressed to hear that the immersives happen at each GA location across the globe at the same time, so you'd be a part of a really useful community of other students.  The apprentice partnerships they have also seem worthy of enrollment - if only it wasn't so expensive!

I thought you (and others) might be interested in reading this article (part 1 of 3) from Silverpop:

I haven't read all the way thru, but conceptually, it's almost singlehandedly confirmed my desire to get into UX.  IT is going to grow soooo much in the next few years and is becoming more and more important to CEOs and business strategies (compared to the IT dept being just desktop and application support in a firm), so it's definitely an industry worth looking at.  Even though you and I are just getting started with the journey, I feel like we (and others like us) would still be a part of the "beginning" of UXD's growth too. 

FOR EVERYONE ELSE: Do you have any suggestions or thoughts on solid, in person, UX training that doesn't cost as much as GA??  Since I can't afford to do their full course, I feel like I'll be doing a sort of piecemeal approach to learning, which I don't think is as effective.  Has anyone had any luck on, or with online courses?  Any recommendations there?

Thanks Taylor for posting!  I hope you don't mind me adding on to your questions!

Happy Wednesday,
:) Kelly

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 12:19 PM, Taylor Ferrari <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi everyone,

My name is Taylor and I have been interested in getting into UX design for about a year now. I was an anthropology major at UCLA and want to combine my anthropological skills with technology.

Has anyone taken/heard of the General Assembly Ux design immersive course? If so do you have any advice or feedback?

Also, do you know if any companies invest in potential future designers that are going through training?

Thank you,
Taylor Ferrari

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