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LA UX upcoming meetups update

From: user 4.
Sent on: Thursday, August 23, 2007, 11:12 AM
Hi, LA-UX meetup members!

I hope the summer is treating you well.  It's been about a month since our session at the LA Times, and I wanted to outline for you what we have coming up. 

Poll:    (regarding Long Beach as a location)

1. September 20: Mashups
* Leader: Craig Nakano
* Location: AOL in Bevery Hills
Craig is pulling together a plan that involves some time as a large group and then small-group discussions.  He will be putting out a call for facilitators. 

2.  November 8: What drives your design?
* Leader: Matthew Hays
* Location: Yahoo! Burbank
Matt has a really interesting night planned involving a series of groups discussions about how we get designs going.

3.  January (date tbd)
* Tentative topic: Tools, tips, and tricks
* Leader: _____ [want to volunteer?]
* Location: _____ [how does Long Beach sound? see poll]
This meeting is still very formative, but it looks like we'll have a look at iRise, and we'd like to find a way to work in some other tools/tips/tricks - and also keep it interactive/social in nature. 


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