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UX Designer in West LA (2-3 months project)

From: noelsaw
Sent on: Thursday, August 13, 2015, 10:05 AM


UX Designer

In-house UX team needs help. There is a baseline design where there are new features and new hardware that gets added all the time. Client needs someone to come in and do mostly spec work and some independent design work. Will work directly with PM's and their engineering and IT/ industrial design teams.

How you’ll do it:

· Handle the UX/interaction design needs of projects you are assigned to.

· Create project deliverables such as storyboards, flowcharts, wireframes, prototypes, and detailed designs.

· Participate in user research, competitive evaluation, and usability testing.


· Experience in user-centered design, demonstrable via portfolio of products and deliverables.

· Demonstrated proficiency in making interactive and time-based products that look great, work great, and are a pleasure to use.

· Strong conceptualization skills with deep attention to detail and the demonstrated ability to convey the intricacies of a desired experience to multiple audiences.

· Design and specification of UI behavior, including on-screen, in-browser, packaged software, mobile app, or hardware-based interfaces.

· Demonstrable experience prototyping for conceptual development, testing, demonstration and documentation.

· Design documentation including examples, wireframes, workflow, experience challenges and opportunities, specification of dynamic information displays, animation, sound, and haptic feedback.

· Ability to explain user experience to non-design personnel, in their language.

· A good understanding of graphic design and the ability to use visual design techniques to convey information and instructions to improve usability.

· Excellent verbal and interpersonal communication skills.


• Should not just show visual design but the process and how you got there.

This is a 2-3 month project working on-site in West Los Angeles.. Local candidates will only be considered.

Interested? Please send resume, relevant samples, and rate requirements to Suzy Thompson, [address removed].


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