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Senior UX Manager - Leading apparel/retail brand

From: user 1.
Sent on: Thursday, December 17, 2015, 12:42 PM

Leading apparel/retail brand located in Los Angeles is actively looking for a Senior UX Manager, to oversee their e-commerce development team. This person will be responsible for creating dynamic, user-centric designs across multiple platforms (desktop, tablet, and mobile), in order to optimize all experiences and increase customer conversion rates. Ideal experience includes visual UI and hands-on UX skills, for e-commerce and m-commerce.

Define strategies, objectives and goals based on market research and analysis.

Manage development, visual design, and marketing projects aimed at enhancing site functionality.

Oversee A/B testing, re-mapping, and all necessary site maintenance.
Create initiatives/new opportunities for growth in UI and UX practices.

Work closely with interactive design teams, developers (in-house and off-shore), and production teams as they implement new web tools, applications, special features, etc., for both web and mobile.

If you are potentially interested in this opportunity, please send your current resume and UX portfolio for review. Qualified applicants will be immediately contacted regarding next steps! [address removed] or call: [masked]

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