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conveyUX's Complimentary Videos from conveyux + Party Down at UX Fest

From: Crystal E.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 30, 2016, 4:22 PM

Hi UX Peeps,

Happy holidays! I hope you will be able to join the fun at this year's UX Fest on Saturday. Wanna catch up with your peers or meet new UX folks? Here is your opportunity. So, register now for the UX Fest. Yay!

Also, conveyUX has provided access to their videos featuring UX thought leaders. I highly recommend checking them out. There are several ways to access the conveyux video content. I think the easiest method is subscribing to their Youtube channel

Enjoy the videos. And, I'm looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Complimentary Video Content

You're invited to check out hours of interesting, educational video recordings from dozens of talented UX experts. All of the content from previous years is already available.
You can get to our content in a several convenient ways. 
When you register for 2017, you receive an exclusive six-month private access to all the content from that event.

Join us for three full days of education, networking, and fun in Seattle. 
Register for ConveyUX Today!

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