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Job Opportunity: User Experience Engineer

From: Mike M.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 12, 2007, 6:07 PM
Hello all!
At Cisco, we have an opening for an experienced User experience designer. You will find more information below.  If you are interested in applying, feel free to send your resumes directly to me or click on the link below and you can apply on Linksys' site.

User Experience Engineer
Job ID 
 Irvine, CA
Date Posted 
 Jul 10, 2007
Engineer IV. User Experience
Job Description:
  • Responsible for the user experience for Linksys by performing field research, design and implementation.
  • Drive the creative process in designing ease of use and intuitive interfaces in consumer products, services, and solutions for Linksys.
  • Build story boards, wire frames, and design proto types that demonstrate the visual solutions and user experiences targeted for new interface designs.
  • Develop information architecture, navigation design and drive user interface development.
  • Work with engineering, product management, and graphic teams to implement the ease of use and intuitive interface designs.
  • Conduct ethnographic field research, contextual inquiry, and qualitative data analysis utilizing data mining skills to document customer current and desired experiences and interaction models.
  • Conduct heuristic analysis of competitive products.
  • Work with human factor team to test usability of new interface designs.
  • BA/BS degree in Human Computer Interaction, Human Factors, Cognitive or Experimental Psychology, Behavioral Science, Anthropology, Industrial Design or other related experience Preferred: other advanced degree is highly desirable
  • Work Experience: 8 years of experience in software, web, broadcast, or industrial design with 5 year of experience in Graphic Design, Interactive Media, Human Computer Interaction
  • Advance knowledge of the Human-Centered Design process
  • Intermediate skills in designing story boarding, wire framing, prototyping, and design iteration
  • Advance skill in usability planning, heuristic evaluation and working with teams to create world-class user experiences
  • Intermediate ability to plan and execute field studies
  • Intermediate ability to deliver creative solutions to challenging business problems ranging from online services to physical products
  • Advance skill in thinking independently and strategically
  • Advance ability to lead a team when needed
  • Intermediate ability to work in both strategic and tactical modes
  • Ability to communicate professionally with verbal and written skills
  • Basic skill in presenting to a large audience
  • Advanced ability to influence others with key finding from research data
  • Basic ability to quickly pick up new methods, materials, and technologies
  • Advance skills in concept sketching, wire framing, prototyping, and design iteration, resulting in world-class visual experiences.
  • Intermediate knowledge of icon design, screen design, and platform capabilities
  • Intermediate skills to create and document visual and functional standards
  • Intermediate research skills in ethnographic field research/contextual inquiry, qualitative data analysis, data mining and communication, resulting in world-class user experiences
  • Intermediate skill in communication with ability to take messy field insights and translate those into innovative and useful product concepts, improvements, and flows
  • Intermediate skill in performing quantitative analysis, design and/or usability testing
If you are interested in applying, click on the link below:

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