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FW: WOLFCOP Free tickets contest

From: Mohamed E.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 21, 2014, 3:59 PM

Dear Friends,


Please check this contest from our friends at Jive communications. Attached is a poster about their ambassador program and more info in red at the bottom.





We are offering our members the opportunity to win tickets to the Vancouver Red Carpet for WolfCop the movie on June 6. To enter you must submit your answer to the following trivia question to [address removed]. Please include (MEETUP NAME: International & Independent Cinema) and city in the subject line.


Q:    Lou Garou’s name in WolfCop The Movie is common in folklore, what does it mean?


A winner will be selected by the WolfCop team and be contacted with a double e-ticket to the premiere.




WolfCop follows Lou Garou (Leo Fafard), an alcoholic cop who tends to black out and wake up in unfamiliar surroundings. However, lately things have taken a strange turn. Crime scenes seem oddly familiar, Lou's senses are heightened, and when the full moon is out, he's a rage-fueled werewolf. WolfCop is one cop's quest to become a better transformation at a time.


WolfCop was written and directed by Lowell Dean and produced by Bernie Hernando and Hugh Patterson.


Check out WolfCop’s howling theatrical trailer:


Buy tickets to WolfCop’s bloody red carpet, opening night + MOAR through it’s badass Indiegogo campaign here:






Calling all horror & independent film fans!

Canadian Cinema just took a turn for the awesome and we need your help! The filmmakers behind WolfCop got their golden ticket by pitching their movie idea in the 2012 CineCoup Film Accelerator, and have been lightening up the online world ever since. See how here:

We are looking for fanbassadors who want to help change the way filmmaking is done. Opening the industry to fresh new talent with new ideas. BUT we need your help spreading the word. We will give ambassadors collectable merchandise in exchange for about 10 minutes of their time a week. Whether it’s over social media, or even on the streets we’d love to have you on board.

If you are interested in getting involved or just hearing more, please email Mike Gallagher at [address removed] - Let him know what city you are from, and he will get you started ASAP!


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