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What we’re about

Seasoned, new and aspiring vegans are invited to get together and share ideas, tips, insights, experiences, recipes, knowledge, skills...the list goes on! Lets make life easier for ourselves, show others how simple it can be and encourage the spread of veganism in a non-militant way. We are all humans here: sometimes it is not always possible to be strictly vegan, sometimes people don't understand and sometimes life just gets in the way of our best efforts. And then sometimes it's just nice to be around like-minded people who appreciate the conscious choices we make as part of our lifestyle.


OUR NEW NO-SHOW POLICY <br> <br> Dear vegans,

Since some meetups require proper planning and booking of specific venues in advance, we have decided to create these new rules, to help us in organizing the meetups better.

We encourage everyone to be mindful of others and update your RSVPs as early as possible, since we have a waiting list most of the time.

- 3 (three) No-Shows or Late Cancellations will result in your removal from the group for at least 3 months - depending on the type of the event.

- each member that RSVP and did not show-up will receive an email or message reminding them about our new policy and that they have a warning.

- Cancellations less than 12 hours before an event start time are considered "Late Cancellations" and may count as a No Show. <br> <br> **Your Event Host may lengthen or shorten this time frame depending on the venue, etc. but we all strive to be as fair and flexible as possible. <br> <br> Thanking you in advance,

The Vegan Hub Sthlm Admins
