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VegFest Meetup ratings

From: Ann V S.
Sent on: Monday, July 9, 2012, 11:30 AM
Hi Friends,

If you attended VegFest, please visit the days you attended on our Meetup and rate it.  We would like to send the links to the speakers and vendors so they can see what you all had to say about it.  If you went both days, please rate each day.  You can make them the same, unless you have different things to say about each day.  

If you attended and want to rate it, but didn't RSVP, please send a personal email to me and let me know, so I can add you.  After you are added, you can post your rating:
[address removed]

Please post them to the ratings options, not the comment sections at the bottom.  If you RSVP'd to more than one group, please post your rating on each one, if you have time. Thank you!

Special thanks to all who attended!  Extra special thanks to all who volunteered!!


7 & 8 July 2012! See you there!

Follow VegFest Colorado on Twitter:­

Think of me tonight, for that which you savor. 
Did it give you something real, or could you taste the pain of my death in its flavor?
    ~Wayne K. Tolson "Food Forethought"

~ Animals have their own voices, but few listen.  
   Those of us who hear them, must help them to be heard. ~

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." –Elie Wiesel

Get involved!  The World is run by people who show up.  ~Unknown

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