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Fwd: JL Goes Vegan: Vegan News You Can Use (5/24/15)

From: Ann V S.
Sent on: Sunday, May 24, 2015, 1:43 PM
Dear Vegan Life Members,

I'm sharing the message below in case some of you might want to know about it and see it. It's full of great information!

I won't send it every time, because some of you are surely signed up to receive it already.  If you haven't signed up and you like it, you might want to sign up soon so you don't miss future mailings.

Happy Memorial weekend to you all! 

Begin forwarded message:

From: JL goes Vegan
Date: May 24, 2015 at 11:03:47 AM MDT
Subject: JL Goes Vegan: Vegan News You Can Use (5/24/15)
Reply-To: JL goes Vegan <[address removed]>

JL goes Vegan

JL Goes Vegan: Vegan News You Can Use (5/24/15)

Link to JL goes Vegan

Vegan News You Can Use (5/24/15)

Posted: 24 May[masked]:11 AM PDT

Vegan news you can use (5/24/15)


If you’re hungry…

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Recently on the blog and newsletters

Want to become a vegan lifestyle coach? $250 discount on tuition!

Main Street Vegan Lifestyle Coach & Educator

Memorial Day Salads and Grilling, the Real World Vegan Way! 

cucumber and onion quinoa salad

Real World Vegan Meal Plans (5/25/15)“Real

  • You’ll be making Cucumber and Onion Quinoa Salad and Pizza Dough in bulk + Mango Mint Bulgur Breakfast Bowl, Tofu Scramble Pizza, Creamy Peach and Basil Dressing, Easy Potatoes and Parsnips on the Grill, French Green Bean Salad, and Mexican Pizza.
  • Meal ideas include vegan breakfast sandwiches, fruit gazpacho, hummus toast, grilled corn on the cob, quick and easy sandwiches, rainbow salad, crunchy meal, steamed veggies (on the grill) over beans and grains, light pasta, and quinoa salad with massaged kale.
  • Tips for grilled fruit, super salad wraps and sautéed vegetables on the grill.
  • You’ll also receive a shopping list, access to JL’s monthly video message (this month: kitchen appliances to the rescue), and Dave’s monthly fitness tips!

Order your weekly (or monthly) Real World Vegan Meal Plan here or subscribe to the weekly newsletter and receive a FREE 3-day meal plan!

The Goodreads giveaway for a signed copy of Vegan Pressure Cooking and a refrigerator magnet of The Plant Plate continues.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Vegan Pressure Cooking by J. Fields

Vegan Pressure Cooking

by JL Fields

Giveaway ends May 30, 2015.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to Win

The post Vegan News You Can Use (5/24/15) appeared first on JL goes Vegan.

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