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Walk for Farm Animals

From: Ann V S.
Sent on: Monday, July 20, 2015, 10:08 PM
Hello Dear Members,

I am writing because I am getting questions about the Denver 2015 Walk for Farm Animals for Farm Sanctuary (FS).

FS sent out an email today with a notice to register for the walk and a list of cities where walks will be held.  Here is that link for those who aren't on their list:

As some of you may already know, FS started handling the main planning of the walks from their head office, with the assistance of local coordinators.  In the past, local coordinators handled the organizing.   A few months ago FS decided to focus their efforts on having fewer walks around the country, and work on making them bigger.  They based the locations chosen on the walks that have been the most successful.  Unfortunately, Colorado wasn't one of those locations.  I'm very sorry about that.  I think the walk city closest to us for 2015 is Phoenix AZ.  Check the site to see if there is a location you might like to support.

If you can't make a trip, but you want to help the animals at FS, check out the option called "Sleep In For Animals."  You can do that from anyplace.  Maybe we'll host a group "Sleep In" here (from our own homes, of course) and have a picnic later that day or something.  I'm open to suggestions.

To all of you who came out and supported the Denver Walks for Farm Animals in all the years past, and to all the coordinators who have helped in past years, I want to thank you so very much!  I have had a blast each and every year!

We have a wonderful community of nice people here and we are always doing this and that to spend time together.  I hope to see you all at some point in the near future.

If you have any questions about the walks for 2015, please contact FS directly.  Their contact info is at that link above.

If you have any questions for me, feel free to contact me directly:
[address removed]

Kindest regards,



2016 updates coming soon!


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