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What we’re about

It's true that we need to live to BE ALIVE!

We are here... not just to learn how to be happier, healthier, and more harmonious in the world,... but to explore and experience life, constantly making new and better choices for ourselves.

In this group we will connect, educate, and EXPERIENCE together.

Please contact me (Laura) with any requests for specific events. As, I would love to have an active community (you!) introducing new themes and creating new gatherings for this group.

Our Group Purpose:
To experience LIFE together by moving our bodies, connecting in joy, cultivating relationship with our self and others, and becoming more of who we truly are as individuals and a group.

Our Group Culture:

  1. Life is meant to be enjoyed! We keep things lighthearted, laugh, and smile when we can.
  2. Respect is key to great relationships! We honor everyone's feelings and opinions as important, whether we agree or disagree.
  3. Truth and transparency helps us grow. We speak up and ask questions when needed, and are honest in our words and actions.
  4. Community makes life rich. We try to put the needs of the group above our own, thrive on reciprocity, contribute when possible, and support others when it feels appropriate.

Always feel free to reach out to me (Laura) directly if you have feedback (positive or constructive), questions, or concerns.

Take care and hope to see you soon!