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Re: [vocalists-151] Recommendations for Northshore Open Mics?

From: Sophie B.
Sent on: Monday, November 29, 2010, 11:52 PM
I apologize for the email thread, but your comments were very funny!!  Even tho he's youthful & egotistical, John Mayer is a VERY talented cross-genre guy. Ani DeFranco has done interesting stuff too. Your comments were funny nontheless.  I'll wait to see if anyone knows more precisely where Uncommon Ground might be.  Dr. D: since I live somewhat on the North Shore also (Des Plaines), perhaps those of us in this general area could try to get together for something closer by if we find it.  You can let me know if you find a location easier for us.  I'd be open to visiting a suburban place together with those who could make it there.  I know you all did some stuff in Woodstock, but coming by myself, that far West is just too darned far to go for me. North, NW suburbs or NW Chicago work for me.  (I'm a former piano player - so I wouln't be performing - just listening)

--- [address removed] wrote:

From: David Hartman <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [vocalists-151] Recommendations for Northshore Open Mics?
Date: Tue, 30 Nov[masked]:23:17 -0500

Wasn't there one on Clark or Halsted?  If it's the one I remember, it was one song only and full of 20-something John Mayer fratboys strumming about throwing up on their girlfriend's couches, and Very Angry Young Ani DiFranco wannabees who, perhaps because they were dating the singing vomiters, were very explicitly unkind to males in general. . . .sociologically, at least, it was fascinating. . . .


On Nov 29, 2010, at 11:19 PM, Sophie wrote:

Can you give us more info on where Uncommon Ground is?  I know you wrote Devon in Chicago, but how far west is it?  (The more west, the better).  Do you know the address?  Or what cross streets it's by?  I can get to Devon if it's closish to Niles.

--- [address removed] wrote:

From: Paul Desman <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [vocalists-151] Recommendations for Northshore Open Mics?
Date: Sun, 28 Nov[masked]:12:59 -0500

Though it's still in Chicago, there is a pretty cool open-mic at The Uncommon Ground on Devon. They usually have it on Tuesdays. How far north of Chicago are you looking?

On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 4:34 PM, David Hartman <[address removed]> wrote:
Does anyone have a take on acoustic-guitar friendly open mics North of Chicago?  Something that is not just playing to a noisy bar or one-song and you're out. The only one I've done this year has been at the Lake County Folk Club, but if that audience gets any older, you'd be playing to a graveyard.



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