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Re: [vocalists-151] Recommendations for Northshore Open Mics?

From: Lori
Sent on: Thursday, December 2, 2010, 8:06 PM
we're organizing.? so a few options have been thrown out.? Thursday nights are bad for Marshall, so, Eileen, the one out by you seems like it's is out.? Which leaves Edgewater Lounge on Mondays (and that open mic is run by a member of this group) or Silvies Lounge, also on Monday.? we could also alternate.? If we get a core group together and decide on a first meeting date, we could discuss this further and see how it evolves.? I'm gonna toss out the first Monday of the month at Edgewater as a starting place.? that's this coming Monday.? Anyone available?

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 5:11 PM, Mario Madrigal <[address removed]> wrote:
Who's organizing it?


On Dec 2, 2010, at 4:58 PM, David Hartman <[address removed]> wrote:

Yeah, when the sound worked, when Norm wasn't retaliating against you by turning it off mid song, when you didn't have your set cut in half because a 13 year old with a Squire needed to be inserted into the line-up. . ? :) ?Yes, those were the days. . .. ?:)


On Dec 2, 2010, at 4:29 PM, Dean Milano wrote:

Yeah, those open mics at Bills and Charlies were fun. I miss 'em!
Dean Milano
[address removed]

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