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4th Sunday meeting

From: John L.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 8, 2012, 1:13 PM
Hi all,
I've been spending time trying to line up different meeting space.
The Chicago Park District hasn't returned any calls from me regarding N. Lakeside and I'm pretty much ready to write it off.  Following Tim's lead for the Niles Library, I've been checking out the options there.  Chicago Public Libraries tend to have rooms, but one must reserve them in person less than 30 days from the event and they don't always allow more than 2-3 times a year to meet there.  They're not open on Sunday, only open till 5 on Saturday, and most only have 1 night a week they're open till 8.  Often that night is Wednesday where I already have 3-4 conflicts.  I was focusing on ones near public transportation.
 We are a registered 457 non-profit group which gives us a shot at some places like the library in Tinley Park, which is right by the Metra Rock Island 80th Ave stop.  Once again, many rules with not much guarantee on regular scheduling.  I may shoot for this towards the end of the month just to have spot.
I could use some help in actually checking out specific places if someone has a place they feel is appropriate.
I also opened up a poll on meetup regarding times.  Please vote at