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What we’re about

Shimla is a Walker's paradise and if you want to explore more you need to walk. Our idea is to Walk and clean up the area and encourage more and more people not to litter around and keep the area clean. Come join us in this mission and let us set up an example for the other parts of the country as well.

Why should tourist come to Shimla? Because Shimla is the cleanest city of India. An we the locals have to keep it clean. Let us join hands in this eventful act and clean our Shimla. Let us Walk & Pick and send it to the recycling units with the help of our Municipal Corporation.

We shall be coming up with the dates of this event and be cleaning one particular area in Shimla. We are going to have the Government involved with us in this act. But we cannot depend upon the Government for everything so as a responsible citizens we also have to prove and perform our duties.

In the mean time you can go through the following text and start following the points. Please remember this is for the betterment of our Shimla and our next generation. We have received the best from our parents so let us pass over the best to our children.

• Use Dustbins : There is no other place in India where you would see so high number of dustbins. Thanks to the Government and the Municipal Corporation for the same. We encourage you to use them and through all the rubbish and the garbage in them.

• Teach you children : The first chapter of like begins from home. So teach your children not to litter around, either at home or when they are out. Encourage them to keep all the wrappers in their pockets till they find a rubbish bin.

• Discourage you Children : Discourage them from eating junk food such as chips, kurkure, burgers, Pizza and aerated drinks.  This food  is prepared in machines and carries a high level of radiation in it that enters our body. So when we eat it we pollute ourselves and we pollute the environment too by throwing the wrappers of this junk food.

•  Walk to Shop - Walk to Dispose : If you walk to the bazaar to shop then why can't you walk to the Bin to dispose off the rubbish. There are bins across the city in Shimla and still it is noticed that people, especially tourists throwing rubbish on the ground.

• Discourage Tourists : Shimla is our city and it is our responsibility to keep it clean. So in case you see any tourists leaving any rubbish behind, kindly ask them politely to pick that up and take that to the bin. I have done it many times and encouraged people from not littering.

• Keep a Rubbish bag in your car : Be a responsible citizen of India and keep a rubbish bag in your car. Collect all the rubbish in it and throw it in the bin when you find one.

•  No smoking City : Excellent step taken by the State Government and  Shimla was officially declared as a No Smoking City on 10th October 2010. Please do not Smoke in Public and discourage anyone avoiding this rule.