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What we’re about

"As long as you're breathing it's not too late to change your story."<br> <br>--Sheri Salta <br><br> <br>Are you happy where you are in life right now?Do you feel alive doing what you're doing? Do you believe you can change the game of your life and make a positive impact on other people? <br><br>I am starting this group as an extension of the 21st Century Women's group, hoping to bring together more people who are willing to open up about their deepest insecurities and fears in life and their wildest dreams, help each other discover their passion and potentials, build faith in ourselves and the world, and encourage and support each to take concrete actions to get closer to a life of meaning, one step at a time.<br> <br>#What we do<br> <br>We will meet every couple of weeks to share and discuss on a self development related topic, e.g. Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone; Face your deepest insecurities, etc.<br> <br>#Who should join. <br> <br>People who have a growth driven mindset and are willing to get out of their comfort zones and take actions.<br> <br> <br>Are you ready to join us on this exciting journey?

#No Solicitation Policy: <br>We have a zero tolerance policy on harassment, coercion, or undue influence to any Game Changer member (or anyone taking part in our events) to buy a product or service.

Members who fail to comply to the policy will be removed immediately without any notice.

Please understand our intention to protect members of the group thank you.