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What we’re about

The elusive and perplexing characteristics of depression and anxiety can pose a challenge when it comes to addressing and coping, often resulting in individuals enduring their struggles in silence.

It is healthy for individuals facing these challenges to openly discuss and share their experiences, both the difficulties and the triumphs.

The group aims to foster a supportive and nurturing environment where individuals can connect and find healing within a community of understanding and empathy.

Initially, I intend to organize virtual meetings, prioritizing discussions on prevalent mental health issues and more (the group can discuss meeting formats).

Subsequently, we can evaluate this and explore the possibility of gathering at a clubhouse, attending events, or doing all these.

If you'd like to assist me with this group, please email me at

Thank you,

The Depression and Anxiety Wellness Support Group provides a safe and supportive environment for people to connect and share experiences, strength, and hope, offering mutual support. It is a sanctuary where members can be authentic, free from judgment, and receive encouragement and understanding from others who can relate to their struggles.

We also acknowledge the intrinsic value of our conditions, enabling us to view life from a unique perspective and foster strength and resilience. This journey leads to a deeper appreciation of life, the importance of joy, and the ability to overcome obstacles, reaching heights that those who have not faced similar struggles may struggle to grasp fully.

The purpose of our group is to offer a sense of community and connection to those living with depression and anxiety.  By fostering a supportive network, the group aims to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness that can be associated with mental health challenges. Additionally, the group provides a platform for members to celebrate their successes, share strategies, moments of joy, hopes, and engage in discussions on any other relevant topics.

1.    Provide Support: Offer emotional support and understanding to individuals experiencing depression and anxiety.
2.    Share Experiences: Create a platform for members to share their personal experiences, challenges, and successes in managing depression and anxiety.
3.    Reduce Isolation: Combat feelings of isolation and loneliness by fostering a sense of belonging and community among group members.
4.    Learn Coping Strategies: Share and learn effective coping strategies, self-care techniques, and resources for managing symptoms.
5.    Promote Wellness: Encourage members to prioritize mental health well-being while reducing stigma surrounding mental health.
6.    Offer Hope: Encourage, inspire, and offer hope for recovery and resilience, showing that it’s possible to live a joyful, fulfilling, and flourishing life despite depression and anxiety.

Mission Statement:
Our mission is to provide a safe and supportive space for individuals living with depression and anxiety.  The group provides members with a platform to share their individual yet often strikingly similar experiences, fostering a sense of unity among us all. By cultivating empathy, promoting understanding, and offering support, we aim to nurture a community that empowers each member to navigate their path toward healing and well-being.

Upcoming events (4+)

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