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MTB Oregon: Oakridge/Westfir 3 Day Festival Camping and Biking

Photo of Rachel
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MTB Oregon: Oakridge/Westfir 3 Day Festival Camping and Biking


Have you always wanted to check out Oakridge, Oregon? Join me at the MTB Oregon Festival:

Ticket and event info here:

This is suitable for people with intermediate-advanced mountain biking skills and are able to ride 3-4 hours/day. See the Schedule for this multiple day event. You can register for MTB Oregon using the website above and choose a trail package that would be appropriate for your level and interest. The rides will be lead by a MTB Oregon organizer and not a Meetup organizer. Depending on which trail package you choose, you may or may not be riding with another member from this Meetup event. A camping spot is included with the registration, but there are also lodging options if you don't want to camp. We can use this Meetup event's comment and chat functions to organize carpooling options and spending time together after riding the trails. Please register for the event on the website and then confirm attendance on Meetup.

West Coast Mountain Bikers is a group riding community. We don't encourage individuals to come out to our rides that want to do their own ride five minutes after starting with us. We start together and stick together. If new to our group, please take the time to read our Ride Rating Guide, found at the link below.

All of our rides require a helmet and properly maintained mountain bike.
Riders should be sure to read the description of the ride fully prior to their RSVP. Rides will vary by location and organizer, so be sure to sign up for rides that are appropriate for your skill and fitness level. If unsure if an event is appropriate, contact the event host prior to the event. If you have an existing medical condition please consult your doctor prior to joining an event. and West Coast Mountain Bikers do not allow minors to attend events. We will occasionally make exceptions, so long as the parent is also in attendance.

The event host and organizers ultimately have the last call on who can and cannot attend a particular event. When a members safety is concerned we will always err on the side of caution.

Release of Liability:By joining this event, you hereby RELEASE and DISCHARGE it's owners, principals, affiliates, presenters, organizer, assistant organizer, hosts and participants from any and all liability, claims, demands or causes of action that you now have, or may have in the future, for injuries, damages, death and/or economic loss of any kind or nature, arising in whole or in part out of the activities, advice or information contained herein. You further agree that if you or someone under your supervision uses the information on this website you assume all risks of injury, damage, and economic loss, without limitation, and release providers from all liability.


Photo of West Coast Mountain Bikers group
West Coast Mountain Bikers
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48447 Westoak Rd
48447 Westoak Rd · Westfir, OR
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