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T-shirts ordered...

From: David
Sent on: Monday, April 16, 2012, 9:33 PM

Just wanted to let everyone know that the t-shirts have all been ordered and should be done by Friday.  I'll be at the campsite for Sea Otter all weekend so if you're coming out let me know, I should have your shirt with me.  If not let me know when you'd like to meetup to pick it up.  I'll be riding possibly Monday and Wednesday next week, but then will be out of town untill the following Wednesday.  Meetup's are probably the best place to pick up the shirts but we can work something out if your schedule is hectic.


I must say that seeing the printer in action has got me all kinds of excited about possible other projects for the group.  I'm thinking some loose fitting jerseys and a women's specific designed shirt.  The printer is amazing, basically a big inkjet for printing on fabric.  It can do very detailed images (like photo detailed) so we should have no problem with the female silhouette image that's been mentioned for the Women of SJMTB gear.


Stay tuned for more news as it happens.


Until then get out and RIDE!

