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What we’re about

Wild, wise, wonderful, warm, and welcoming, this tribe is for those who want to live a life filled with wonder and wellness! If you find yourself intrigued by a combination of any of those words, then come join us as we explore the mystery, magic and meaning of everyday life in wild, wonderful ways.

I understand what it feels like to be drained and/or overwhelmed by life circumstances, and that is why I have devoted my life to facilitating creative expression, empowering others to utilize their own gifts for self expression, for personal growth and for healing. And, I have no doubt there are many others who want to do the same - but fear and doubt, uncertainty and busyness keep us isolated. Let’s change that!

Scientific research indicates that our conditioned responses to life keep us stuck in old patterns and routines. We are surviving but not thriving. In this group, we will explore ways to bring a greater sense of "wonder" into our "normal" ways of meeting the demands of life in order to re-energize and revitalize our lives: let's thrive our lives.

Our gatherings will provide an honest, supportive and authentic environment for sharing, learning, growing, and enjoying one another's company. We will join together as like-minded women to empower one another to be the best version of ourselves - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

Do you have wisdom to share? Do you have life experience that could benefit others? Do you want to contribute to quality of life that is beyond the “normal” routines? Do you have ideas that could spark wild and wonderful ways to support yourself, your loved ones, your community?

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FB The Artful Way (Of Living a Meaningful Life):