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New Meetup: Middle Patuxent Environmental Area. Pre-Thanksgiving week hike.

From: Dominic F.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 2, 2010, 7:29 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Baltimore Hiking Meetup Group!

What: Middle Patuxent Environmental Area. Pre-Thanksgiving week hike.

When: Sunday, November 21,[masked]:30 AM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Revisiting this nearby park for a late fall short (5 flat miles) afternoon hike. . The hike is taken from "60 hikes within 60 miles-Baltimore"

. This is a ~5 mi easy/moderate loop hike, along the Middle Branch of the Patunxet River. Hiking time ~ 1.5 hrs, with multiple lunch oppurtunities nearby. See, I can do flat and local hikes, too!

Directions 695 to I70 W to MD-29 South then onto rte 108 west towards Clarksville Go 5 mi, then turn Left onto Trotter Rd; go 1/2 mi to a gravel parking lot on the left. We'll meet there at NOON, and depart for the hike shortly thereafter.

A short hike, but an easy and easily accesible one. Lunch afterwards is always a (definite) option. Last time we were here, we descended upon a pretty good Mexican place in Clarksville.

There are no river crossings, aspreviously mentioned; howeevr, the ground WILL be wet and boggy. Wear boots. Waterproof/waterresitant boots are recommended.

Fido, as long as he/she is leashed, and wll behaved (towards people and other dogs) is welcome.

I'll be there with theusualy grey Mazda (look for the yakracks), and the usual -dogs., My cell is[masked].

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