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CMG Update for the Weekend Begining Thursday, September 12th

From: Dan
Sent on: Wednesday, September 11, 2013, 8:14 PM



Thanks to the wonderful group that made it out to our double-excellent double-header last Thursday to see The Butler/Blue Jasmine! By all accounts, two outstanding films! Just a couple September events as we get ready to roll out a fall calendar that looks to be absolutely fantastic! More details to follow on that! For now, our Third Tuesday $1+ Movie (Now You See Me) has just been confirmed and the always fun Manhattan Short Film Fest is coming up soon! Check out details for both below:


THIRD TUESDAY $1+ MOVIE: NOW YOU SEE ME at Carriage Place Cinema next Tuesday, September 17th!

  • This month’s Third Tuesday $1+ Movie title has been confirmed! This month we’re in for a real treat with the fun, funny, thrilling, surprising, and surprisingly good NOW YOU SEE ME!
  • MOVIE DESCRIPTION: Don’t let the reviews or trailer fool you – Now You See Me is a blast!Four magicians answer a mysterious summons to an obscure address. A year later, they return as the Four Horseman, big time stage illusionists who climax their sold out Las Vegas show with a bank apparently robbed for real. What follows is a investigation where nothing is what it seems, where illusions, dark secrets, and hidden agendas are revealed and all involved are reminded of a great truth in this puzzle: the closer you look, the less you see. Starring Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, Woody Harrelson, Isla Fisher, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman! 
  • Purchase your ticket for the 7:25pm showing of NOW YOU SEE ME (just $1.25) and meet Terry inside the main lobby between 7:00 and 7:10pm. After the show, we'll keep a good thing going and head to our new regular Tuesday night hangout, Thai Mango, located just next door to the theater. 
  • For complete details or to sign up for this event, click here:


SPECIAL EVENT: THE MANHATTAN SHORT FILM FESTIVAL and PIZZA BUFFET at Gateway Film Center on Sunday, September 29th!

  • One World * One Week * One Festival!  Make that one "FUN" festival, a GREAT time together and an absolutely FANTASTIC event! 
  • Whether you’re a fan of short films or not, this event is for you! Ten short films selected from all over the globe are shown back-to-back with a short intermission. The whole thing takes about as long as a regular movie and the short films selected are remarkably good! After viewing the film shorts, global audience members (including YOU) get to vote to select this year's winner!
  • We were able to arrange a great deal with the Gateway for this event! Pre-payment of just $20 per person includes all of the following: admission to the Film Festival, voting ballot, and a private pizza buffet (with 4 kinds of pizza, two meaty, two veggie) in the Martini Shot Bistro for our group!  Also includes unlimited FREE soda and all taxes, tips and fees! In addition, a bartender and full bar will be available.
  • Don't miss this one!  Complete details, including links to a trailer, short film descriptions, interviews with the directors, and sign-up information can be found here:


Take care and look forward to seeing you soon!


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