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Details Confirmed: CREED at AMC Easton!

From: Dan
Sent on: Friday, December 11, 2015, 7:45 AM



Details have been confirmed for our CMG event to see CREED this Monday, 12/14 at AMC Easton!  When we set this one up, we knew the critics and audiences loved it! We also had early signs that this was going to be one of the season’s favorite films! But what we didn’t know was that this might also be racking up a few awards!  The National Board of Review and the Boston Online Film Critics Association selected Creed as one of the “Ten Best Films of the Year” and named Sylvester Stallone Best Supporting Actor! Michael B. Jordan has also picked up a couple of awards and Sly was was just nominated for a Golden Globe for his performance! Critics call Creed “riveting,” “a knockout,” and a “revitalizing crowd-pleaser!” Here are confirmed details for this event:

CREED at AMC Easton on Monday, December 14th!

  • PLAN: Purchase your ticket for the 6:30pm showing and meet me (Dan) in front of the Fossil store between 6:00 and 6:15pm! Tickets are $9.29/$7.79 seniors. After the movie, we’ll head downstairs to a nearby Easton restaurant for some post-movie food and drinks!
  • DESCRIPTION: Michael B. Jordan stars as Adonis Johnson Creed, the son of the heavyweight boxing champ, Apollo Creed. Having never known his father, he finds himself fighting in the shadow of his late father’s legacy. He travels to Philadelphia, where he meets Rocky Balboa and requests that the elder boxer train him. This is the seventh in the Rocky series and is both a spin-off from the original series and a direct successor to 2006’s excellent Rocky Balboa! Creed stars Sylvester Stallone, Michael B. Jordan, Phylicia Rashad and Tessa Thompson! The film is directed by Ryan Coogler, who also directed Mr. Jordan in the excellent Fruitvale Station!
  • BUZZ: Reviews for CREED have been spectacular, earning 93%+ from critics and audiences from RT and "Universal Acclaim" from Metacritic!  Critics are calling Creed “rousing in spirit, surprisingly emotional” and “the best installment since the 1976 original!
  • LINK: For complete details or to join Derek at this event, click here:


Look forward to seeing you there!





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