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From: Tony C.
Sent on: Monday, March 24, 2014, 10:07 PM

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted take a minute and welcome all are new members. Now that Spring has arrived at least that’s what they say. We can look forward to a great hiking season. We have over 2,000 members and less than a quarter of you get out there. For whatever reason you joined make this year your time to get out. What are you waiting for?

The organizers of this club volunteer their time to take you out . Please make sure you show your appreciation. Thank you, goes a long way . In recognition for their dedication and completing over one hundred hikes. The following organizers were to be presented at the banquet last weekend with an Eastern Mountain Sports Fleece with the club patch on the sleeve.. Do to circumstances beyond our control the patches did not make it here. However they arrived today. That being said, I would like to thank Leanne, Michael our clubs founder, John H, John N, Bob T, Liz and soon to be Helena for all your efforts . I cannot forget Jerilyn for sewing the patches on .Hopefully I will see you all soon to give them to you. The patches will be available for sale at $5.00 apiece. Please see your organizer if you are interested in purchasing one or many. The proceeds will help cover cost for different events. If anyone is interested in becoming an organizer please contact me.

See you soon,



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