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Waitrose Wine 25% off

From: Christos
Sent on: Thursday, April 2, 2015, 3:32 PM

Waitrose are currently offering 25% off most wines in their on-line range until 7th April, see: Orders in multiples of 6 but can be mixed.

So many tempting bottles, here are a few recommendations in the £10-15 range:


Morgenhof Chenin Blanc

Terredora Greco di Tufo

Cotes du Rhone Blanc La Redonne J L Colombo

Ch. Roquefort 'Roquefortissime'

Vasse Felix Semillon/Sauvignon


Blason de San Juan Crianza Ribera del Duero

Carbonaia Vino Nobile di Montepluciano

Rustenberg John X Merriman

Chateau Ka Lebanon

La Bastide Blanche Bandol

These are genuine reductions as opposed to the half-price promotions run by other supermarkets which are not worth the stated orignal price  - so stock up while it lasts!



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