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Re: [Trails-and-Ales-Hiking-and-Snowshoe-Etc­-Group] T-Shirt Reminder

From: Bryce
Sent on: Friday, March 29, 2013, 3:02 PM
OK. I figured it out....boy this group has multiple events going on in the same day.

I can not make Lonetree cause Ev has us setup for Ball Room dancing lessons during it, but I can make Mikey's event afterwards.

So can you give Mikey my XL T-Shirt at Lonetree? And then I can grab from him later that night.

Hope that's possible. Cheers!

Zeppo (aka Bryce)

From: Rob <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Wednesday, March 27,[masked]:49 AM
Subject: [Trails-and-Ales-Hiking-and-Snowshoe-Etc-Group] T-Shirt Reminder

Hello All!
For those of you who showed interest in receiving a t-shirt, please make sure to get donations in by Monday. You may see me in person at the Lone Tree event on Friday, or you may email me about mailing a check.
If you are unable to get your donation in by Monday we will not be able to give you a shirt as we are not planning on keeping any in stock at this time.
All donations are covering the cost of the shirts. Anything left over is going to Trails and Ales' group Meetup dues to remain active.
Thanks again for those who have donated, we appreciate it!

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]

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