Meetup Live

The one-stop spot for recordings and recaps of Meetup Live events, hosted by Meetup HQ!

Recording | Savor the Flavor: Learn How to Taste Wine

Delve into a world of flavor with a lesson on wine tasting!

Recording | Powering the Platform: Meetup Engineering Update

Learn about recent enhancements and planned updates from Meetup’s Engineering team.

Recording: The Secret to Adult Friendships

Discover how to spot the friendships that are right in front of you—and take steps to help your relationships blossom.

Recording | Meetup 101: Support for Growing Communities

Discover the ways you can contact a support specialist at Meetup.

Recording: July 2023 Meetup Community Building Office Hours

Hear common questions get answered during office hours hosted by Meetup’s Community Support team.

Recording | Meetup+: The Best Way to Spark New Friendships

A deep dive into all the Meetup+ (formerly Member+) tools designed to bring people together and fight the loneliness epidemic.

Recording: Addressing the Loneliness Crisis with Meetup CEO

Hear about the changes Meetup has made to facilitate lasting friendships and make community building easier.

Recording: Feel Happier by Immersing Yourself in the Senses

Discover insights to heighten your senses and live a fuller, richer, and happier life.