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New Meetup: Mammoth Cave - First Creek trail - April 18

From: Phil L.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 25, 2009, 12:30 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Bowling Green Hiking Meetup!

What: Mammoth Cave - First Creek trail

When: April 18,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Come out and celebrate Earth Day (almost) with a hike on one of Mammoth Cave National Park's prettiest trails.

Hike Stats

Meeting time: 9 AM
Hike Distance: 6.7 miles
Estimated Hike Time: 4 hours
Difficulty: moderate

Well behaved dogs are welcome - Mammoth Cave has a strict leash law

People traveling from Bowling Green can meet up in the Fairview Shopping Center Parking lot at 9AM to Carpool/ caravan up to Mammoth Cave National Park.

At 10AM, we will meetup at the Temple Hill parking lot on Houchins Ferry Road (On East side of the road near first Creek Lake). This is where we will end of the trial and we'll leave some vehicles in this lot. Next we'll carpool up to the parking area on Houchins Ferry Road on the north edge of the park (near Ollie Rd) and start hiking south on First Creek Trail. The trail will take us down to the Nolin River and around First Creek Lake (see link to map below). Be sure to wear appropriate cloths and boots with good ankle support. Bring plenty of water and lunch.

If you know you will be meeting up with the group at the park, please let me know so we'll know not to wait on you at the shopping center.

Click here for trail maps

Learn more here: